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Monday, June 6, 2011

Funny Indian Christian Names

Nothing cracks me up than some of the funny sounding Indian Christian names. Here are some of the funniest ones I have come across,

1. Joshua Janakiraman (this scores highest on LOL factor)
2. Robert Rajagopal
3. Innocent
4. Mercy
5. Nalini Wilson
6. Maria Pitchai
7. Paul Dhinakaran
8. Neelam Matthew
9. Emanuel Saravanan (second on the LOL factor)
10. Baby John

Update: Adding to the list above thanks to Sruni's and others comments

11. Suvartha
12. Samadhanam
13. Infant Raj (:D)
14. Daiva deevena
15. Yesu padam

This one merits special mention,

Geet Ali Jones (LOL LOL LOL, his brother must be named Amar Akbar Anthony or something like that.)

(will keep updating this list)

It is something to the mix of the non-Indic name and the Indic one which makes it very funny. Just imagine Joshua Janakiraman LOL.

Here is a name though that inspires disgust and hatred. Francis Xavier, yup that's him, the mass murderer who committed the gravest of crimes in the name of religion and ordered the inquisition. It is indeed an irony that many Indian Christians name their Children after in spite of being aware of the fact that this bigot murdered many of their ancestors. Stockholm Syndrome at its best. 


  1. some more hilarious Christian names I've heard -

    Infant Raj - Isn't this heights of naming LOL
    Samadhanam - a woman's name literally meanning "Answer" in Telugu
    Suvartha - a woman's name literally meaning "Good News" in Telugu. People often teased her "Suvar" as in Pig.. LOL

    1. some more:
      Irudhayaraj(My bro's classmate)
      Amaidhi (my kid's classmate, LOL)
      James Aasirvadham.

  2. Get lost.Count the number of soldiers and freedom fighters who rescued Goa who fools like you think have funny names. Sit back and Count the best colleges in India run by missionaries especially the Jesuits.

  3. the "Anonymous" person doesnt even dare to share his/her name ROFL!

  4. daiva deevena!! LOLEST NAME~~!!

  5. daivadina wat a fuckng name....
    one more funny name "yesu padam" a male name in telugu direct meaning is Jesus foot the fuckng names ever heard

  6. All you guys please stop making fun of names. Its in your own good. You stupid idiots what indism shit youll talk. Even our names make to sense to the west its all about acceptance be human that what Bhagvat Gita, Holy Bible, Koran, or all othe religious text say. Religion and race or clan is not the truth but the way to truth. Please see both sides of the coin when you comment. How foolish you comment on your own country men. Sad, love yourselves truly only then will U love others of how they are and not what you want them to be and be sure of God's blessing.
    "Love has no region God has no Religion"
    Love is what my faith and belief teaches, I believe one true God and his mercy. Love all .
    Jai Hind..

  7. Capt. Rajendra Sharma ji from the IAF,

    Thank you for your comments though I disagree. I will not react to your threat (masked as a comment) though I easily can, just for the fact that you protect the nation from the Turushkas and the Cina barbarians. For that sir, and only for that, I respect you and will quietly ignore your threat. My respects to servicemen like you who keep Bharat Mata safe day in and out. Have a nice day sir.


  8. Awesome piece of information, let me tell you, your blog gives the best and the most interesting information. This is just the kind of information that i had been looking for, once again hats off to you! Thanks a ton once again, Regards, muslim boy names

  9. It was funny. Recently, my American friends in Detroit received the visit of a certain "Robert S. Anthony" who was on a short-term visa permit. One of the dudes there chuckled when he presented himself. He kept asking, "Where's Robert Anthony? Can't see him". I replied "That's him!". And he said "Well, he does not look like a Robert Anthony!" . And we all burst laughing. Luckily, our friend took it lightly.

  10. u funny man!! ROTFL

  11. Well, names like Shithole, Dikshit raise a laugh in USA.
    Even my last name Kaushik (rhyming with Cow Sh!t) raised an occasional laugh in US!

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  13. It's actually zindagi hai bharath jai

    A devout jesuite who likes 5 years old like any church father
    Protestants please stop the protest.

  14. Kingston Diwakar
    (if you remember the pen drive Kingston)
    Mark Chakravarthy

  15. Hahahaha...... Could stop laughing
